Learning French from Authentic Sources 🤩

Bonjour !

You can learn SO MUCH from watching interview style videos in French!

Recently I made a YouTube video where I watched a few videos like that and showed how you how you can use those same phrases when you speak French:

C’est quoi ton / ta _______ préféré(e) ? - What is your favorite?

Il nous reste que 10 balles pour prendre un café avec nos potes, quoi - All we have left is 10 euros to have a coffee with our friends

Ça fait 3 jours que j’ai pas mangé - It’s been 3 days since I’ve eaten

Be sure to watch the video for pronunciation and a full explanation

And try watching videos like these for native speakers sometime! You have to push yourself in order to get better at French!

There are often subtitles and if you see something you don’t understand, you could just look it up on wordreference.com

Let me know if you have any questions !

À bientôt !


Charles Whitesides