Learn French From Belgian Singer Angèle !

Bonjour !

J’espère que vous allez bien.

I recently reacted to a French interview with Belgian singer Angèle and show you what you can learn from her!

We cover phrases and vocabulary like:

On m’a dit que c’était possible - someone told me it was possible

Il faut assumer - one has to own up to it, accept responsibility, etc.

Ça se passe comment ? - How’s it going?

+ a lot more !!

Be sure to watch the video for pronunciation and a full explanation

And try watching videos like these for native speakers sometime! You have to push yourself in order to get better at French!

There are often subtitles and if you see something you don’t understand, you could just look it up on wordreference.com

Let me know if you have any questions !

À bientôt !


Charles Whitesides