✅ We Learn BEST By Doing

How’s learning French going for you so far? Are you using the language in your daily life?

(Remember, a great way to get in some daily practice is to just change the language on your phone to French)

Are you practicing the language with someone?

Please understand, if you’re not regularly using French in some capacity, you’re not really going to see the progress you want.

If you don’t use the language, you’re basically wasting your time.

If you’re looking for someone to practice with, try apps like Tandem / HelloTalk (we’re not sponsored by them, I’m just a fan and have met some amazing language partners on those apps).

And I would start with text messages. Just start texting your language partners in French, it really takes the pressure off (having a full on conversation in French might be a bit too intimidating if you’re a beginner).

And if you see a word you don’t know, just look it up on www.wordreference.com.

Watch this video to see how I go about finding language partners (I’m currently working on my Italian / Spanish )

Is it going to be easy? No!

But who said learning a language would be easy in the beginning? If you’re doing something new, it should be a little difficult.

Embrace the challenge !! That’s where the growth is.

Will it be scary and nerve wrecking? Yes !!

But that’s how you really learn a language.

Languages were built for connection and to communicate with others. It’s not enough to just fill out worksheets and watch videos, we learn best by doing!

So if you want to get good at holding conversations, you have to practice having conversations in French.

And if you don’t know what to say, please try our new updated FREE conversational French e-Course! I teach you the basics of the language and exactly what to say when you meet someone in French. It’s a great place to start and it’s free!

To learn French most efficiently, you can’t just do any old thing and expect great results. You need a solid blueprint to reach your goals!

I hope that helps you!! If you have any questions, please send me a DM on Instagram ! I’d love to help you

Charles Whitesides