✅ Creating a Solid French Routine

If you want to get the best results and learn French efficiently, you have to be conscience of what you’re doing.

You can’t just do any old thing and expect to get great results. You need to dial in and perfect your French routine.

When I help my private students dial in their French routine, I help them fit French into their lives in a meaningful way by mixing their interests with French.

You should LOVE your French routine and it should be as enjoyable as possible. If you’re doing things you really enjoy in French, you’ll be much more like to keep up with it.

But you should also know exactly what aspect of language learning you’re working on, don’t just do whatever and expect to get the results you want.

An example of a beginner to intermediate French routine:
Daily 20-30 min:

  • Watch the news (5-10 min) - You love knowing what’s going on in the world or you need to do it for your job.

You can use subtitles in French !! Look up words you don’t know on www.wordreference.com.

You’re working on your listening skills and getting used to what French sounds like while learning new vocabulary and sentence structures (note down things you like, then try to use them in conversation).

  • Practice with francophone friends (5-10 min) - find some friends to practice French with on Tandem or HelloTalk and practice conversing with them a little everyday (it’s free & we’re not sponsored by them at the moment, I just love those apps).

You can text your friends! It’s way less stressful than having a full on conversation right away. Learn exactly what to say to your new friends in our FREE French e-Course.

  • Read an article on Quora (5-10 min) - this is a great way to build your vocabulary, for free !!


You go to a French meet up (like on meetup.com) or you have chat with a language partner on Zoom (maybe 30 min in French and 30 min in English or whatever language they’re learning)

If you do that for 6 months to a year, you’ll get so good at speaking French !!

This is just one example of a routine, but it’s usually so much more personalized than that. Some of my clients love watching cooking videos in French or stand up comedy in French on Instagram, with the right techniques you can do things you really enjoy in French instead of boring exercises and drills!

This is a completely different approach from most textbooks / apps.

Remember, if you want to get good at French, you have to use it !! If you’re not using French regularly, you’re basically wasting your time.

And if you need help making lasting progress in the language, you can work 1-on-1 with me! I’m usually fully booked but I can add you to the waitlist.

If you’re interested in private French lessons, please check our price list and respond to this email so we can set up a Zoom chat to discuss your goals

Let me know if you have any questions !

Charles Whitesides